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How to deal with sales commission disputes?

Executive summary:

Commission disputes can be very demoralizing for a sales team. Have an open line of communication to build trust and set up systems to reduce these disputes. Read on to know more!

Sales commission disputes can arise for a variety of reasons. Let's dive into why this happens!

Why do sales commission disputes arise?

1. Miscommunication

This takes the lead as the most common cause of disputes. Often, it results from vague language lurking in the policy documents. Confusion creeps in when the terms are open to interpretation, paving the way for disputes to rear their ugly heads.

Another less frequent but still notable cause is legal disputes. Sometimes, a company may withhold commission that a rep believes is rightfully owed to them. When matters escalate, lawsuits become a reality, and things can quickly get messy. Nobody wants that.

3. Bad technology

Lastly, we must recognize the impact of bad technology. It's closely intertwined with inefficient processes, forming a vicious circle. Picture this: relying on outdated tools like spreadsheets for commission calculations. Reps end up in the dark, clueless about their earnings. Not only does this create a communication gap, but it also delays clarifications until the end of the cycle. Trust takes a hit, disputes surge, and nobody wins.

So, it's crucial to address these key factors head-on when it comes to sales commission disputes. Clear communication, fair policies, and efficient technology build a good commission system that fosters trust and keeps disputes at bay.

Why do these disputes matter?

Let's discuss why sales commission disputes matter and why you should pay close attention to them. Brace yourself because these consequences are no laughing matter.

1. Low employee satisfaction

Low employee satisfaction is a major concern. When disputes arise, they dampen the morale of your reps, leading to a drop in motivation. And we all know that in sales, basis equals output. If your sales teams aren't fired up, they won't be closing deals, resulting in low overall numbers—a real downer for the company.

2. Employee churn

But that's not all—the next impact: employee churn. If disputes persist and there's no clear path to a better process, your top-notch reps may hit the road. Remember the Pareto Principle? The 80/20 rule? Well, it applies here too. Your top 20% of reps typically bring in 80% of the business. If they're unhappy and decide to pack their bags, you'll find yourself stranded without the sales firepower you need. It's like being dead in the water.

3. It's expensive

Dealing with disputes isn't just emotionally draining; it's also costly. Think about it. Resolving disputes eats away at valuable time for your reps, their managers, the finance team, and HR. Commission disputes often lead reps to engage in shadow accounting, diverting their attention from revenue-generating activities.

Considering that reps already spend only 20% of their time generating revenue, losing more time is a luxury you can't afford. The result? Less revenue is generated while your expenses on overhead and other costs remain constant. It's a recipe for financial loss, my friend.

So, take into account the significance of sales commission disputes. They impact employee satisfaction, lead to churn, and drain your resources. To maintain a healthy bottom line and keep your sales team firing on all cylinders, it's essential to tackle these disputes head-on and implement effective solutions.

Read: Commission issues in sales agencies

How should you deal with these disputes?

Let's see how to deal with commission disputes like a pro. Buckle up because we're about to tackle these challenges head-on.

1. Better communication

First and foremost, prioritize better communication. Many problems can be solved through open and clear communication channels. It all starts with your policy document. Vet it thoroughly, ensuring there's no room for vague language. Have multiple people review it before officially releasing it. Clear out any ambiguity and make it crystal clear.

Despite your best efforts, some confusion may still arise. Maintaining an open line of communication with your reps becomes crucial. Address any necessary clarifications, ensuring doubts are completely resolved before moving forward. Encourage sales managers and VPs of sales to be upfront, candid, and open about commissions with their reps. No question should go unanswered. Your reps need to feel heard and valued.

2. Consider changing your commission plan

For a plan to be successful, it must be fair and simple. It should benefit your reps and your company while being easily understandable. Your reps should be fine without a math degree to calculate their commissions. Avoid the temptation to add multiple complex factors to make it complicated. Instead, keep it straightforward and compensate your reps based on no more than four factors.

Additionally, empower your reps to have control over their earnings. This is known as the point of persuasion. They should have a considerable say in the factors they're being compensated for. For instance, if a sales rep is only compensated for a deal after implementation and onboarding, they might feel cheated and unhappy since they have no control over that process. Ensure your plan includes a component that compensates them as soon as a deal is closed.

3. Give visibility to your reps

Visibility is key. Provide your reps with insight into their commissions. Disputes often arise due to confusion stemming from being in the dark. Eliminate that darkness, and many of your problems will vanish.

Offer your reps visibility into how much they're earning, which deals are considered in the commission cycle, their earnings for each deal, any clawbacks and their reasons, potential earnings for the cycle, the number, and details of deals required to meet quota—the list goes on. There's no such thing as too much visibility. Give them that; they won't need to come to you with disputes.

4. Get better technology

Spreadsheets work well for small teams or simple compensation plans, like a flat 5% on all closed deals with no cap. However, when your plan becomes more complex, relying solely on spreadsheets becomes risky. Invest in commission software to eliminate discrepancies in calculations. Commission errors can be a nightmare, especially when they're complex to explain.

Better technology means better and more efficient processes, from calculations to payouts. No more lengthy email threads involving reps, managers, finance, and HR to resolve a simple dispute—everything can be managed within the software. It's a win-win situation that simplifies everyone's lives.

Despite all your efforts, disputes will still arise. But keeping an open line of communication is crucial to dealing with this.

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